Hello All,
In the event that you have not heard yet, out of concerns for safety, the Southern California, AZ and NV clubs have collectively decided to cancel the Fan Belt Toss for 2020.
The good news is that the CORSA Convention is slated for San Diego in 2021 and the Fan Belt Toss is looking forward to be better than ever next year! I suppose the silver lining is that this will give us all extra time to get that project complete, fine tune the race cars and put an extra touch to squeeze a few more points out of those concourse beauties.
While I have your attention, a couple of more things.
Our monthly SFBA CORSA zoom meeting is scheduled for next Thurs, July 2nd at 7pm. www.zoom.us
Meeting ID: 739 9816 7995
Call in number: (669) 900-6833 The annual picnic with Valley CORSA is still on for August 8th at Quarry Lakes in Fremont.
You can find updated info on events, Spyder Web pdf archives and more on the clubs website, www.sfbacorsa.org
If that club shirt is looking ratty or you need a club decal for that new Corvair, we have a one stop shopping website with club merchandise! https://www.zazzle.com/store/sfba_corsa
I think that’s about it! We hope all of you are healthy and happy and look forward to meeting in person as soon as it is safe to do so!
Josh Deitcher
Digital Content